Saturday, October 02, 2021

2nd Post in Oct

I need to wean myself from my communication with JW. Lord, please help me, I pray. I should really refrain from initiating any more texts with him even if he replies. I bet he is thinking the same about not wanting to reply me or he just has no bandwidth to handle communication with me as I am pretty low down on his priority in terms of the friendships/relationships he has at hand. I need to have greater respect and love for me. :)

Friday, October 01, 2021

1st Post in Oct

Today, JW has started work at a new work place, a tech company I think. His last Zoom meeting with our Advancement Team was on Monday, 27 Sep. That was also his last official day with EAST. On Thursday, 30 Sep, we had Zoom meeting with JW and I guess the feeling that he has really left us finally sank in. Sigh.

Has it only been a year ago that this young, handsome, jaunty guy stepped in EAST and a year later just as quickly stepped out? What a lot of difference a year has made! 

1st post in May

I did not realise that I had not posted any entries in March and April. Seok Ting's birthday was in March and I ordered Swensen's de...