Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Twos Day Post

I sent a post to the Gal Galo Gals Chat at 2:22am, 22-2-22 earlier this morning and received some texts from GS which started a rather argumentative exchange between us. It ended with GS exiting our group chat, yet again. What drama on an auspicious date. Reflecting back, perhaps I was too quick to take offence with her texts which resulted in my rather negative responses to her. But I just couldn't help myself. What started (to me) as a fun, random text at an auspicious timing, did not warrant a "please seek a therapist" type of response from her I felt. Anyways, maybe I overreacted but maybe I am done with my friendship with her too. 

1st post in May

I did not realise that I had not posted any entries in March and April. Seok Ting's birthday was in March and I ordered Swensen's de...