Monday, October 12, 2020

ARPC Reopened Today

After a good half a year of being locked down, and watching church services online. It was thoroughly refreshing to be back in ARPC @ Adam for a live church service this Sunday morning with familiar churchgoers like Nick Tse, Doris Ng, David and Evelyn to name a few. I was also pleasantly surprised that my new colleague Josh and his family, parents and younger sis Hannah were seated a row behind me. It was nice to have a chat with his dad Eric after the service and say hello to his sis. I saw his beautiful and elegantly dressed mum whom I heard does accounting but did not have the opportunity to converse with her. For lunch, Doris and I went to Adam Road Food Center. Nic was there with a few brothers. I had roasted chicken rice set with a braised egg and Doris had an egg prata. We proceeded to Mac's for desserts where I had yuzu cream cheese pie and a choco ice cream cone and Doris had a choco McFlurry. Another highlight from the interactions prior to the start of the morning service was helping Doris make a doc's appointment at Outram Polyclinic because of some chronic pain she has been experiencing in her right inner thigh. I hope to accompany her to her appointment on 27 Oct afternoon, Tue. 

The sermon by Ps Chris this morning was taken from Genesis 20, 21. As I reflect on all he had shared, I remember the story of Abimelech, Sarah and Abraham... How Abraham had told Sarah to say she was a sibling instead of a spouse out of fear of being put to death because of her. Sarah had acceded to his unreasonable demand but God had protected Sarah nonetheless by saving her through giving a dream of revelation to Abimelech. It's amazing how God has chosen Abraham, such a flawed character and fallen man to be the Father of many nations and placed His favour upon him and his descendants. It cause me to come to the understanding that ultimately, when we receive unmerited favour from the Lord, it definitely has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with God, and His chosen, sovereign purposes in this world.

1st post in May

I did not realise that I had not posted any entries in March and April. Seok Ting's birthday was in March and I ordered Swensen's de...