Sunday, January 02, 2022

Birthday celebrations

EL treated me at Coastal Settlement, a cafe off Loyang, nearby Changi Village. We had a pleasant time catching up with each other over a bowl of laksa (my order) and all day breakfast (her order). On my actual day, mummy cooked a bowl of egg meesua with sliced pork in broth for me. May-jie baked her first ever blueberry shortcake upon my request and gave me a $5 discount for me at $27. Binny sent a surprise teddy bear flowers delivery that really delighted me! I received lotsa greetings from FB, IG and WhatsApp messages too. The day before, Lu had dropped off a surprise package of gifts and food which included a set of C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia and some really cute stationery picked by YC, boxes of blueberries, strawberries and two yummy blueberries muffins too! On 19 Dec, I met up with Sue at P.S. Cafe and had date pudding and tea to have a simple celebration. The big lunch with mum and sis was at the St Regis' Chinese Restaurant called Yan Ting where we had yummy Wagyu steak and venison meat. Unfortunately, too much good food made me a little sick that afternoon. Although we were still able to attend a lovely candlelight candle at VCH that evening where I bumped into Caroline Seah from MGS which was a surprise and delight. On 21 Dec, mum, sis, WWT and I went to GBTB for the Christmas Wonderland experience and it was a pretty fun night. 

Uncle MW was also able to visit my home in Yishun during the December holiday period. That was a rather fun outing for him. We also met up with him and NN on Christmas Day itself, after mummy and I had a sumptuous lunch at Angus Steakhouse that afternoon. December has been and will also be a most delightful month for me! hehe 

1st post in May

I did not realise that I had not posted any entries in March and April. Seok Ting's birthday was in March and I ordered Swensen's de...