I've got two exams in less than 2 weeks on 16 and 18 May. It's 6 May today. Next Saturday is another busy day because of EAST 23rd Commencement, which will be held at Bartley Christian Church. In fact, the whole of next week will be an extremely busy week in my view, as there is a Homecoming Dinner on 10 May, Wednesday, and a Graduation Party on 11 May, Thursday evening. The Alumni Retreat is held from 10-12 May, Wednesday to Friday. I am hoping to take the following week off, 15-18 May off at least, because of my exams.
I have found myself a perfect typing spot at level 5 of SUSS (Singapore University of Social Sciences, new name of UniSIM since March 17, 2017). It has a pretty view of some palms and a neat row of 10 trees in a planter directly facing me. I tried locating a comfortable seat in the library but found the temperature in there too cold for my comfort. The natural air and environment on level 5 with a great view to boot seems like an ideal spot for me.
On 24 April, I was grieving of the demise of a beloved community cat Tutu who had met with an accident while a fast turning car entered the carpark. That fateful night that I was grieving, I reconnected with P. Soon after, I was grieving the loss of L's family cat Jack who had to be put down because L felt they could no longer cope with Jack's seemingly uncontrollable behaviour and impulses. According to L, Jack had been too stressed and tensed and was probably suffering from some kinda PTSD even as a kitten or while he was in his mother's womb. It was all too complex for me. I just knew that Jack was no longer a happy cat and L's family no longer could cope with the normal feeding and handling. Especially after Jack acted out and bit L. It was very sad as Jack was a barely 2 year old cat. However, the decision was made with Jack's welfare in mind too, as he was living a stressed out miserable life.
Life is full of complications, mysteries and hurdles to be crossed.