Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Dad gone home for 4 years

It's been 4 years. This time 4 years ago, I was in Kandy, Sri Lanka, receiving news of my dad's passing. Dad passed on in the wee hours of the morning after having a sip of water. Sis had held him in her arms. It was at our Bishan flat. At that point of his passing, I was sleeping soundly in Uda's uncle's guesthouse, sharing a room with Hwei Wah. The previous night was Uda and Dush's wedding celebrations. By today, their marriage has fully dissolved due to it being a mis-matched marriage, and Dush marrying under lots of pretences and dishonesty. Well, I am glad for Uda that she is no longer having to deal with the unhappiness that came with the ill-matched marriage. At least in today's world, women have the ability to be financially independent without a husband. As for my dad, I am glad he is no longer suffering physical ailments. I am happy he is home with Jesus. Sure, I miss having dad around. But he has fought the good fight and ran his race of life well. He deserves rest.

There will be times I still tear when I miss him but as time passes, it will get easier.

1st post in May

I did not realise that I had not posted any entries in March and April. Seok Ting's birthday was in March and I ordered Swensen's de...