Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Few hours of sleep

I barely had five hours of sleep this morning but thankfully I am functioning okay for the day. It is slightly past four in the afternoon now. I had lunch slightly past noon. Breakfast was the usual toast with butter, peanut butter, and blueberry jam followed by a hard boiled egg drizzled with dark soya sauce, a few drops of sesame oil and dashes of pepper, with a cuppa coffee with milk sans sugar.

I communicated with KW via Whatsapp in the morning after texting M. Sorted out the digital books availability from our textbook list for next semester on DTL and M will follow up with the rest. Mainly, I followed up with M. M enquired about exams for this semester and I had to check with KW. Apparently, M wanted to close library earlier than the usual end of semester. KW was very astute in asking why M wanted to know about exam dates. In the end, M had to consult with B who is her supervisor as it was not her decision alone to make. I am so glad that KW is so wise. I guess M is just taking her own initiative and not necessarily doing anything "bad" but some decisions are best made in consultation with one's supervisor who will in all likelihood have a bigger picture of things in place.

Interestingly, C text me about decentralised Chapel for admin staff. I was once again somewhat caught in between the supervisors N/L and the Chaplain. Hopefully, things have been resolved among themselves.I pray for God's wisdom upon all my co-workers at EAST. Lord, may Your Spirit lead and guide us all.

1st post in May

I did not realise that I had not posted any entries in March and April. Seok Ting's birthday was in March and I ordered Swensen's de...