Saturday, December 09, 2006

Day Ahead

It's Saturday and I've got a housewarming party to attend at 11am. Following that I thought I had to chauffeur mum and dad for their one night hotel stay at Conrad, a gift voucher from Binny & Kor for their 40th Wedding Anniversary. However, now it seems like Kor will provide the chauffeuring service as well. That's good. It'll give me more time to twiddle my thumbs before my dental appointment at 4pm later. I hope to take lots of nice pics at Hwee Yen & Cher Wee's new home! Hopefully it'll be a good time of catching up with the rest of the CBDDG people whom I have not caught up with in ages!

Meanwhile, I hope to get some laundry done... Oh and I've already crafted the wedding banquet speech!!! Thanks to singing tigger who gave the brilliant idea of using a poem in my blog!!! Haha! :D

1 comment:

elliot said...

hello thanks for tagging my blog! i should know who you are but i don't! i'm back home, so hope to catch up, phantom tagger :)

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